Retinal Screening

Next Generation AI

AI-Sight is a next generation AI system for diabetic retinal screening

AI-Sight can provide WHO recommended diabetic eye screening services across the globe.

It is a highly sensitive and specific, low-cost, web-based diagnostic tool capable of image interpretation across diabetic retinopathy (DR) disease severity and treatment intervention points worldwide.

The Challenge

2021: 537 million people worldwide living with diabetes

2030: 643 million (predicted)

  • 30% of people with diabetes already have damage to their retinal blood vessels - the leading cause of working age blindness worldwide

  • > 180 countries have no DR screening program and the handful that do are costly and face significant human capital constraints

  • standard screening and diagnostic AI systems are:

    • cumbersome

    • time-consuming

    • require expensive data retraining for different ethnicities and national treatment standards

    • mistrusted by clinicians

Our Solution

AI-Sight’s unique design provides an indication of certainty in its grading. It identifies borderline and contentious cases and passes them on for human assessment locally or remotely, integrated within the system.

This has not been available in the market and gives unrivalled levels of reassurance and safety. This unique feature enables us to overcome adoption hesitancy in a way competing offerings cannot.

The AI-Sight Team

A highly experienced team of world-leading researchers, clinicians, healthcare managers and experts, backed by international market knowledge and cutting-edge machine learning expertise.